The discipline committee comprises the following stakeholders. 


The goal of our discipline program is to promote responsible decision-making,  respect for self and others, respect for property, and pride inappropriate be haviour. One of our primary responsibilities as a school is to promote a safe,  productive learning environment, and it is our belief that communication and  teamwork between the home and the school are important in promoting good  citizenship and a secure school.  


Teachers will present basic rules and regulations for the classrooms and play ground. Our rules involve creating a safe and orderly working environment  for all and will include the following: treating others with respect and as you  would wish to be treated; playing safely with no rough play, fighting, or play  fighting at any time; and using language that is appropriate to the school set ting – there is to be no profanity or demeaning name-calling. Students are ex pected to walk on the blacktop area and avoid walking through designated  game areas. Our complete Discipline Plan is outlined below and includes spe cific school rules.  


In charge – Ms.Rama Deshpande

– Mr. Lokesha

LR International School Discipline Plan

We believe that together, we will promote an academically, physically, social ly, and emotionally a safe environment in which every individual accepts per-sonal responsibility for making a positive contribution to the harmony and  welfare of the school as a whole.  

We strive to have excellent character and good citizenship as follows:

Integrity: Make a choice to be your best; be honest, be loyal, honour your  commitments; and keep your word.  

Respect: Make a choice to treat others with courtesy and respect.  

Kindness and Compassion: Make a choice to be thoughtful of others,  always striving to be kind and considerate.  

Responsibility: Make a choice to think before you act; consider conse quences, and be accountable.  

Citizenship: Make a choice to play by the rules; do your share; and be  charitable.  

We play by the rules!

  • Be in class, on time, and ready to learn  
  • Treat others as you wish to be treated  
  • Be courteous, kind, and positive.  
  • Be trustworthy  
  • Keep your hands, feet, and unkind words to yourself  
  • Follow directions  
  • Take responsibility for your actions  
  • Take the initiative to solve problems positively  
  • Show pride and loyalty for yourself and your surroundings  

We accept responsibility…

As students, we will…

  • Show courtesy, trust, caring, respect, and fairness  
  • Abide by the guiding principles 
  • Uphold the school standards  
  • Accept responsibility for decisions and actions  

As parents, we will…

  • Model courtesy, trust, caring, and respect  
  • Support our student(s) in being in school, ready to learn.
    ● Participate actively as members of the school community 
    ● Be informed about school policies and events  
  • Work as partners with the staff in the problem-solving processes 
    ● Hold high expectations for our children’s productive, responsible behav iour.  

As teachers, we will…

  • Maintain professionalism as we model courtesy, trust, caring, respect,  and fairness  
  • Provide a well-organized instructional period and engaging work to fa cilitate good study habits and independence.  
  • Properly supervise students at all times.  
  • Be primarily responsible for managing discipline in our classrooms. 
    ● Maintain high expectations for productive, responsible behaviour. 
    ● Set responsible and reasonable limits, make fair judgments, and follow  through with appropriate procedures for rewards and/or consequences  for behaviour.  
  • Cooperate with students, parents, and administration in a positive prob lem-solving process.  
  • Facilitate home-school communication and parent participation in prob lem-solving. 

LRIS children are productive students!

Occasionally, a student may behave in a manner that is counterproductive to a  well-ordered, positive learning environment focused on teaching and learning. In each of these incidents, there is a unique opportunity for a child to  learn decision-making and problem-solving skills in lessons that are a founda tion for lifelong productive behaviour.  


In the classroom, consequences for unproductive behaviour will include a va riety of actions depending on the situation including but not limited to the fol lowing: warning, teacher-student conference, a teacher-parent-student problem-solving phone call or conference, and/or other classroom-interventions that are the natural consequence for the specific behaviour. For example, if an  assignment is not completed, the child may be asked to finish the work during  playtime; or if a student is disruptive, his/her seat may be moved to a place  where the disruption is no longer possible.  


If the problem continues, the teacher may hold a conference with the parent,  the child, and the principal to construct a contract that outlines the behaviour to be improved and rewards and consequences for changing or continuing. 

Consequences for misbehaviour may include the following:

  • The student is redirected to another activity.  
  • The student receives a written discipline notice from the teacher or  principal.  
  • The student will complete in writing a sheet to describe the situation  and reflect on future appropriate behaviour choices.  
  • The student will write an apology note or verbal apology to students or  staff members involved.  
  • A discipline notice is sent home to be signed by the parent and returned  to school.  
  • Phone contact with a parent by a teacher or principal.  
  • Conference with the student, parent, teacher, and principal 

LR International School Rules

Be safe, be respectful, be responsible, be a problem solver


  • Move through the hallways without talking- silence in the hallways. 
    ● Always Walk- no running, skipping, or speed walking.  
  • Alone, with friends, or as a class walk safely at all times facing forward.
    ● Watch where you are going and walk in a single file line. 
    ● Don’t cut others off- give special consideration to younger students who  move slowly.  
  • Walk directly to your destination. Do not stop to play, hide, etc.  


  • Enter and exit the assembly area quietly and safely.  
  • Use quiet voices before and after the assembly. .  
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.  
  • Be an attentive listener. No talking to others sitting near you during the  performance.  
  • Show appreciation appropriately- polite applause.  


  • Always respect the privacy of others.  
  • Use restroom equipment appropriately.  
  • Flush the toilet.  
  • Wash your hands.  
  • Throw the paper towel in the trash.  
  • Use appropriate voice volume.  
  • Do not play or take time visiting in the bathroom.  
  • Return immediately to your assigned area- playground, classroom, etc. 


  • Go directly to the area where you are being picked up following the des ignated routes.  
  • The bus students are safely boarded in school bus and Our vehicle picks  up the students at the designated areas.  
  • Students who are walking and riding their bicycles home must immedi ately leave the campus. You may not stay with your friends and talk un til their ride arrives.  
  • Walk and move safely in the hallway and pick-up areas.
    ● Students may not play in the playground area after school is dismissed. 
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