Child Safety Committe

In –Charge :- Ms. Ashwini

Committee members:- Mrs.KalpanaMinchala, Mrs.RajalakshmiKartik, Mrs.Lincy

Objectives :-  

  1. To put in place a few guidelines towards ensuring safety of all children.
  2. To discuss any lapses occurred in matters related to safety.
  3. To discuss and implement remedial action taken to rectify the issues(if any)  

Safety measures in place :-  

  1. LRIS is bound on all sides by a solid unbroken wall of sufficient height and  the entrance is through on gate, which is manned by security personnel  throughout the duration of class hours.
  2. During dispersal after school, walkers are handed over to their parents by  respective class teachers thereby ensuring safety at the time of pick up 
  3. The bus/van children are sent through ayahs in the school’s employment to  their respective pick up vehicles where they are seated and duly dropped at  the designated drop point 
  4. CCTV cameras are in place in all class rooms which are centrally monitored  at the office. 
  5. Drinking water supply is available to all and is checked periodically for its  safety.
  6. Washrooms are monitored by school ayahs. Boys/girls move in separate  queues and do not overlap use. 
  7. Discipline is enforced while children move in corridors or move to  washroom. At the time of after assembly dispersal, moniters check the nails  of children as well as neatness of both hair and uniform.
  8. In case of minor medical complaints, a first aid box is available at the office.  If further medical attention is required, parents are notified promptly.
  9. Rooms are spacious and well ventilated. Child safe furniture is in use in all  classrooms.


Safety precautions in place for school transport (bus)  

  1. Vehicle documents have been upgraded and renewed regularly.
  2. Vehicle condition is checked periodically.
  3. Vehicle is washed every day before and after use.
  4. Driver credentials are verified and license checked and renewed as per  Traffic rules and regulations.
  5. An ayah is present during pick up and drop time to ensure children  maintain discipline and follow rules while seated or disembarking from  the bus
  6. First aid box is available in the bus.
  7. G P S TRACKING FACILITY is available 
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